For our A2 media project our group needs to create a music video. We have 6 months to do this, in which it must include a DVD cover, advert and the video itself. We have to pick a song without a video, no cursing and a video with different tempos was advised as it would help us get a higher mark through the use of different angles etc.
We need to gather some Target Audience Research so we can understand what people like in music videos and what to include in our own. We have decided to pick Travie McCoy’s song – Need You.
We will be creating a questionnaire to gather people’s opinions/thoughts and also showing them videos of the artist we have chose and to see what they think of their past videos.
Please take time to fill in our questionnaire which will help us to create a successful project. Please feel free to add comments to any of our questions.
Firstly after hearing the song our group has decided to pick do you have any immediate ideas and or thoughts for our video? If so, please share them with us as it will help us complete a successful music video.
Here is the link again in case you missed it:
Your ideas/thoughts:
1.) How old are you?
(Please circle)
13-17 18-21 21-25 25+
Any additional comments:
2.) What is your favourite music genre?
(Please Circle)
Pop Rap Hip-Hop Rock Indie Grime Acoustic Dance Heavy Metal Other
Any additional comments:
3.) Are you a fan of Travie McCoy or Gym Class Heroes? (His former band)
(Please Circle)
Yes No
If yes would you please comment on his music? What you think of him, whether you like what he does in his songs and or videos or not. Please try and be as specific as possible as it will help us get and idea of what will make a successful video.
If no then please watch these videos of Gym Class Heroes and Travie McCoy in these following links and give us your view on his songs and videos. Please try and be specific as possible as it will help us get an idea of what will make a successful video.
Gym Class Heroes, Cupids Chokehold
Your ideas/thoughts:
Gym Class Heroes, Clothes Off:
Your ideas/thoughts:
Travie McCoy, Billionaire:
Your ideas/thoughts:
4.) What do you think makes a good music video?
5.) What do you think makes a bad music video?
6.) Our group has decided to go for a video which reflects the lyrics, after listening to the song do you think this is a good idea? Please try and explain your answer.
7.) Which logo do you prefer? (Please Tick)

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