Music Videos

It begins with all men stood waiting for one to switch something on with a remote and struggling, adding a slightly amateur note to the filming, hinting at the camera being on a tripod with only them selves to press play and stop. I like this as it sets them apart from the popular and common type of music video that use advanced technology, expert camera men and special effects, angle is static throughout and for this video it works. The video is so simple but extremely effective, the silver background used doesn’t even fill the screen, showing effort but not perfection. The out fits of the men seem to be quite geek chic further proving the nerdy set up. This video has a good mis-en-scene, however more videos need to be ananlysed to gain knowledge of camera angles.

This video consists of a woman dressed in white possibly showing purity and several coloured telephone wires which could represent damage, its extremely simple, for a sad complex song. The colours contrasted with the white scene looks powerful. It is simple but has powerful meanings behind it, she is being wrapped up and ‘starts to wonder if this is the thing to do’ further proving her entanglement and confusion she portraying with the lyrics. The song is called 'Call it off' and the girl is being wrapped in telephone wires, ironically the title is negative and as thought they are disposing of the call, but she is being wrapped up. An extensive use of angles are used, thought it is a slow song some of the shots are quickened in pace to express the frustration of the character in narrative.

This video holds a strong narrative with a strong band performance, and so I think this is a good example of the type of video we hope to create. There are many extreme close ups of the lead singer, portraying emotion from of the song. The Band is in black and white, which creates a solemn effect, however this may not suit all songs. There are also a variation of different camera angles, from point of view low angles of the building and the sky to high angles of the girl standing. The frequency of edits between band perfomance and also the characters faces is the speed and framing that I would like the acheive for our music video.
DVD covers

This DVD cover is simple but very colourful so it stands out if on a shelf in a shop. Although the colours are brash yet it looks sophisticated. It is easy to tell that it is a band because there are four men, in a qaud also makes them look united.

This DVD cover is mysterious, the bottom is eye catching and almost ambiguos as it could be an eye or even an explosion from the ground, reguardless of what it is the colour is mesmerisng and could be hinting at the colourful songs within.

The black and white of this photo contrasted with the colour of the logo on the t-shirt and the writing is dramatic. The cropped picture leaves it to the imagination to form the rest of the man, and so the person is universal and could really be anyone.
This is advert is almost retro, and would be one placed in a magazine. The name of the girls is clear and simple with a stylish font. The photo is also simple and the black and white theme only adds to the simplicity. I would like our advert to be simple as it is easy to read while passing and the information is easily taken in.
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